Therapist Reported Cognitive Questionnaire For Assessing Cognition In Patients With Adhd

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Deepak Raghav
Shubham Sharma


Background and aim: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common, developmental disorder, involving inappropriate and disruptive levels of inattention and/or hyperactivity with impulsivity. The aim of the study was to investigate and interpret the validity and reliability of the Therapist Reported Cognitive Questionnaire for assessing cognitive function in patients with ADHD.

Introduction: ADHD is typically identified in the younger childhood years with symptoms often persisting throughout adulthood. Studies have reported impairments in basic cognitive processes such as slow processing speed, distractibility, and increased reaction time variability.  

Need of study: There is a limited information regarding cognition function in ADHD. So, through this study we create Therapist Reported Cognitive Questionnaire for better interpretation of cognitive function in patients with ADHD.

Method: General cognitive questionnaires were collected based on these questionnaires, Therapist reported cognitive questionnaire of 21 questions was created. On the basis of inclusion criteria of age between 6 to 14 years and exclusion criteria, 50 patients were indulged in the study. This questionnaire was filled by therapist on the basis of activities performed by patient mentioned in the questionnaire. Result: The study showed that the questionnaire is reliable as the Cronbach’s alpha of each question is .997, approximately near to 1 and is also valid as the correlation of each question with the total score is significant 0.01 level. Conclusion: The study findings revealed that the Therapist Reported Cognitive Questionnaire is reliable as well as valid and significant in assessing cognitive function in ADHD Patients.


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How to Cite
Shivani, Deepak Raghav, & Shubham Sharma. (2024). Therapist Reported Cognitive Questionnaire For Assessing Cognition In Patients With Adhd. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 45(1), 584–592.
Author Biographies


mpt,Department Of Physiotherapy, Santosh Deemed To Be University

Deepak Raghav

Professor/Principal Department Of Physiotherapy, Santosh Deemed To Be University


Shubham Sharma

assistant Professor, Department Of Physiotherapy, Santosh Deemed To Be University


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