Efficacy Of Strain Counterstrain Technique In Supraspinatus Tendinitis

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Deepak Raghav
Tanvi Agarwal


Background: Supraspinatus tendinitis is a common shoulder pathology characterized by inflammation and pain in the supraspinatus tendon. Traditional treatment approaches often include physical therapy modalities aimed at reducing pain and improving function.

Methods:The study involved 30 patients (comprising 28 males and 2 females) aged 25-35 years of age. Two groups were made by convenient sampling with 15 patients in each. Evaluation was done on the basis of pain using NPRS ,abduction range of motion, and internal range of motion and special test used was Hawkins Kneddy  test and empty cane test. Treatment protocol was given for thrice a week for 3 weeks.

Result: Post intervention, the patients showed reduction in pain as per numerous pain rating scale (NPRS).  The abduction range of motion of shoulder joint is increased significantly and internal range of motion of the shoulder joint also showed improvement.

Conclusion:Supraspinatus tendinitis poses a considerable burden on patients and healthcare systems alike. While conventional treatment modalities remain the cornerstone of management, adjunctive therapies such as strain counterstrain technique offer promise in alleviating pain and improving functional outcomes.


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How to Cite
Komal, Deepak Raghav, & Tanvi Agarwal. (2023). Efficacy Of Strain Counterstrain Technique In Supraspinatus Tendinitis. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(4), 1294–1298. https://doi.org/10.53555/jaz.v44i4.4709
Author Biographies




Deepak Raghav

Professor/Principal Department Of Physiotherapy, Santosh Deemed To Be University


Tanvi Agarwal

professor, Department Of Physiotherapy, Santosh Deemed To Be University


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