The Gross Motor Function Measure A Mean To Evaluate The Impact Of Gross Motor Function Measures In Infant 0-3 Months.


  • Shalini
  • Deepak Raghav
  • Shubham Sharma



Background : The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) on infants aged 0-3 months, focusing on its utility as a means of evaluating gross motor function during this critical developmental period. The discussion will delve into key findings, implications for clinical practice, methodological considerations, and avenues for future research. Our study revealed correlation between the joint movements. Comparing our results to existing literature on infant motor development, we found many similarities. This study expands upon prior research by specifically examining the impact of GMFM within the unique context of the first three months of life.

Introduction:The DENVER II is a measure of developmental problems in young children. It was designed to assess child performance on various age-appropriate tasks and compares a given child’s performance to the performance of other children the same age. The instrument consists of 125 tasks, which broadly reflect the following areas: personal-social, fine motor-adaptive, language, and gross motor.

Movement of the body controlled by large muscles are considered gross motor skills. Gross motor milestones  are specifically skills that infants are expected to reach by certain age range to be considered typically developing .Gross motor development milestones includes skills like independent head control ,crawling walking jumping .

Need of study : To  investigation gross motor developmental activities in infants 0-3 months .For reducing the risk factors of developmental delays .

Method: This prospective, time series, randomized study at Delhi council for child welfare (PALNA) ,Quidsia Bagh  , Yamuna marg ,Civil line,New Delhi, Delhi 1100054.  It is the sole provider of infant care in the area and served as a Specialized adoption agency  .A total of 50 participants were recorded which included 30 females and 20   males. Normal infants development screening from the age  0-3 months   by the DENVER 11 Scale in four different aspects Gross motor,Fine motor, Speech & language and social -emotion according to the chronological age & trace motor functioning with sub aspect of 0-3 month Fine motor, Speech & language and social -emotion . And fill the questionnaire with the help care giver. Along with the finding data as per the activity perform by an infant shows during  developmental  screening to check the gross motor motor functioning as well as care giver information. This screening requires single time assessment .

Result : t- Test (q1 and2) 0.37307231, (q2,3)0.02086293 , (q3,4)5.6 , (q4,5)0.00371208 ,(q5,6) 0.01138811 , (q6,7) 0.00375606 ,  (q7,8) 1.453 , (q8,9) 6.644 , (q9,10) 1.1875E-06 , (q10,11) 8.5051E-07 , (q11-12) 0.00271814 .At p= 0.05 ,the highlighted one are significant .

Conclusion: The findings underscore the significance of ongoing surveillance and early intervention in promoting optimal gross motor development during infancy. By prospectively monitoring the developmental progress of these infants, we have laid the foundation for timely interventions that can potentially mitigate challenges associated with improper gross motor development.


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Author Biographies


mpt, professor /Princip alassistant Professor, Department Of Physiotherapy, Santosh Deemed To Be University

Deepak Raghav

mpt, professor /Princip alassistant Professor, Department Of Physiotherapy, Santosh Deemed To Be University

Shubham Sharma

mpt,professor/Principal assistant Professor, Department Of Physiotherapy, Santosh Deemed To Be University


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