Impact Of Gender Difference In Behavioural Component, Musculoskeletal Pain, Psychosocial Factors And Sleep Apnea In Elderly Individual.

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Deepak Raghav


Aim: Examines the multifaceted impact of gender differences on various health aspects in the elderly population. Specifically, it delves into the Behavioral components, musculoskeletal pain, psychosocial factors, and sleep apnea, shedding light on how these factors interplay with gender and influence overall health outcomes in older adults.

Methodology: Cross-sectional Study Collect data from a single point in time to examine associations between gender differences and health outcomes in elderly individuals.

Result: There was statistical significance difference between old age female and old male in geriatric pain measure scale with p<0.05.

Conclusion:Gender variations in behavior may influence how individuals experience and cope with musculoskeletal pain and psychosocial factors, highlighting the importance of personalized treatment approaches


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How to Cite
Adiba, & Deepak Raghav. (2023). Impact Of Gender Difference In Behavioural Component, Musculoskeletal Pain, Psychosocial Factors And Sleep Apnea In Elderly Individual. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(5), 1588–1591.
Author Biographies



Deepak Raghav



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