A Review: Suppressed Activity Of Respiratory System After Covid-19

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Manojit Bysack
Ayan Sengupta
Banashree Ash
Preeti Patra
Ankita Ballav
Shayani Das
Priyanshu Ganguly


People's lifestyles and health have undergone significant changes globally in the post-pandemic, or post-Covid-19, era. Those who took drugs during the epidemic have recovered from the negative impact that SARS COVID 2 had on their respiratory systems. Individuals have taken a variety of precautions to keep themselves safe from the infection. As a result, they realized from studying respiratory physiology that common people underwent a number of alterations during the pandemic. A number of them have noticed that when they run or perform any demanding job, their breathing becomes difficult, they pant because of respiratory issues, their heart becomes profound, and they huff because their stability is compromised. The several strategies and mechanisms employed by COVID-19 to modify respiratory conditions in humans following the pandemic have been discussed in this article.


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How to Cite
Manojit Bysack, Ayan Sengupta, Banashree Ash, Preeti Patra, Ankita Ballav, Shayani Das, & Priyanshu Ganguly. (2024). A Review: Suppressed Activity Of Respiratory System After Covid-19. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 45(2), 1581–1586. https://doi.org/10.53555/jaz.v45i2.4456
Author Biographies

Manojit Bysack

Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, School of Allied Health Sciences, Swami Vivekananda University, Telinipara, Barasat-Barrackpore Rd, Bara Kanthalia, West Bengal - 700121, India.

Ayan Sengupta

Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, School of Allied Health Sciences, Swami Vivekananda University, Telinipara, Barasat-Barrackpore Rd, Bara Kanthalia, West Bengal - 700121, India.

Banashree Ash

Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, School of Allied Health Sciences, Swami Vivekananda University, Telinipara, Barasat-Barrackpore Rd, Bara Kanthalia, West Bengal - 700121, India.

Preeti Patra

Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, School of Allied Health Sciences, Swami Vivekananda University, Telinipara, Barasat-Barrackpore Rd, Bara Kanthalia, West Bengal - 700121, India.

Ankita Ballav

Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, School of Allied Health Sciences, Swami Vivekananda University, Telinipara, Barasat-Barrackpore Rd, Bara Kanthalia, West Bengal - 700121, India.

Shayani Das

Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, School of Allied Health Sciences, Swami Vivekananda University, Telinipara, Barasat-Barrackpore Rd, Bara Kanthalia, West Bengal - 700121, India.

Priyanshu Ganguly

Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, School of Allied Health Sciences, Swami Vivekananda University, Telinipara, Barasat-Barrackpore Rd, Bara Kanthalia, West Bengal - 700121, India.


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