A Review On Threatened Medicinal Plants In Uttarakhand And Their Genetic Diversity Assessment Through Molecular Markers
Medicinal plant, Genetic Diversity, Molecular Markers, ISSR, RAPDAbstract
Uttarakhand has a rich plant biodiversity, many of which have high medicinal properties. Medicinal plants have been used against insects, diseases, and herbivorous mammals through the production of chemical compounds. Various reasons like overexploitation, overgrazing, unsustainable development, etc. lead to their extinction and make them threatened species. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was established to prioritize species conservation, assess threat status, and develop suitable strategies due to the vast diversity of species. The genetic diversity of these threatened species can be determined using various markers. Molecular marker technology aids in analyzing genetic diversity, population structure, and species adaptation, enabling conservation measures and assessing genetic stability in conserved species. In this article, we have reviewed the genetic diversity of six threatened plants of Uttarakhand (Picrorhiza kurroa, Aconitum heterophyllum, Nardostachys jatamansi, Dactylorhiza hatagirea, Zanthoxylum armatum, Saussurea costus) in India as well as in other countries. A review highlighting the use of recent molecular markers like ISSR, SSR, RAPD, etc. to determine genetic diversity. Most of the medicinal plants show diversity less than 0.5, which indicates that the plants are at extreme risk of extinction. The diversity is calculated based on polymorphism percentage. The analysis of genetic diversity between species using ISSR, next-generation sequencing, AFLP, and microsatellite markers reveals low genetic diversity in A. heterophyllum, P. kurroa, N. jatamansi, Z. armatum, D. hatagirea, and S. costus.
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