Effectiveness Of Innovative Approach Of Ergon® IASTM Technique In Musculoskeletal Disorder: A Systemic Review

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Muskan Gupta
Siddhartha Sen
Himanshu Rakheja


Introduction: One of the most popular IASTM methods, the Ergon® IASTM Technique, combines both passive and active soft tissue manipulation with specific clinical tools in order to treat soft tissue constraints and enhance tissue flexibility, joint range of motion, and patient functionality. There is some evidence to suggest that the approach may help with fascia mobilization, the breakdown and absorption of scar tissue, and enhanced tissue repair. There are currently no systematic reviews that have looked precisely at how Ergon® IASTM affects musculoskeletal disorders. Methods: An overview analysis was done. The databases and search engines used to compile this data include PubMed, Google Scholar, and Research Portal. On the reference list of the included studies, a manual search was conducted. Individually or in combination, the search phrases included instrument, assisted, augmented, soft-tissue, mobilization, Ergon, and technique. Studies were chosen based on inclusion criteria evaluated using the PEDro Rating Scale. The potential of bias was examined within 20 research. Results: It is found that implementation of Ergon® IASTM leads to positive improvement in various musculoskeletal pain. Conclusions: This summary of the systematic review provides the comprehensive systematic synthesis of evidence regarding the impact of Ergon IASTM technique on reducing symptoms of musculoskeletal pain. The findings from this review provide supervision to clinicians and researchers for evidence-based selection of ERGON® IASTM for treating various condition.


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How to Cite
Muskan Gupta, Siddhartha Sen, & Himanshu Rakheja. (2024). Effectiveness Of Innovative Approach Of Ergon® IASTM Technique In Musculoskeletal Disorder: A Systemic Review. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 45(1). https://doi.org/10.53555/jaz.v45i1.3540
Author Biographies

Muskan Gupta


Siddhartha Sen


Himanshu Rakheja



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