Mitigating Salt-Induced Damages in Wheat with Foliar-Applied Nigella sativa Seed Extract: A Comprehensive Study


  • Faiza Mushtaq
  • Muhammad Kashif Hanif
  • Atifa Masood
  • Bushra Parveen
  • Iqra Saba
  • Irum Mustafa
  • Umair A. Khan
  • Asif Naseem



Wheat, salinity, Nigella sativa, H2O2, chlorophyll pigments, thymoquinine


Nigella sativa, a medicinal plant, known for its diverse bioactive compounds, including antioxidants and phytohormones, have shown potential in mitigating salt stress in various plant species. Amongst naturally occurring plant growth stimulants, it has attained enormous attention being rich in thymoquinineand carvacrol in seeds for scavenging free radicals. This research aimed to investigate the effect of Nigella sativa seed extract (NSE) as foliar spray (0, 50, 100 and 150g seeds per liter each) on wheat growth under salt stress (0mM, 75mM and 150mM). Results revealed that salinity decreased growth attributes and accumulation of photosynthetic pigments. On the other hand, salinity stress boosted the contents of malondialdehyde, hydrogen peroxide, glycinebetaine, leaf free proline, Na+ and Cl-. Foliar application of NSEameliorated the negative effects of salinity to considerable extent by enhancing growth traits, chlorophyll contents, glycinebetaine and prolineand decreased Na+, Cl-,malondialdehyde andhydrogen peroxide. This research provides valuable insights into the potential use of NSE as natural and sustainable solution to alleviate salt stress in wheat crop. These findings contribute to the development of eco-friendly strategies for enhancing crop resilience in saline environments, ultimately addressing the global challenge of food security in the face of increasing soil salinity.


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Author Biographies

Faiza Mushtaq

 Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, The University of Lahore, Sargodha, Pakistan

Muhammad Kashif Hanif

Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, The University of Lahore, Sargodha, Pakistan

Atifa Masood

Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, The University of Lahore, Sargodha, Pakistan

Bushra Parveen

Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, The University of Lahore, Sargodha, Pakistan

Iqra Saba

Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, The University of Lahore, Sargodha, Pakistan

Irum Mustafa

Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, The University of Lahore, Sargodha, Pakistan

Umair A. Khan

Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, The University of Lahore, Sargodha, Pakistan

Asif Naseem

Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, The University of Lahore, Sargodha, Pakistan


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