Prevalence, Recognition, And Management Of Mental Disorders In Primary Care

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Najlaa Mohammad Alsudairy
Razan Khalid Almutairi
Ammar Mohammed Salawati
Ali Hassan T Alhdad
Morouj Abdulrahman Alghoraibi
Abdulrahman Mohammad A Al Suqair
Eman Essa Al Hamadah
Ayaat Adel Alsayed
Talal Mohammed Alzahrani
Mohammed Tarik Alrefai
Afnan Mohammed Ahmed Asiri
Abdulaziz Abdulmohsen Altamimi
Abdullah Abdulmuthri Aljohani


According to latest figures, 50% of individuals will have a minimum of one mental health issue in their lifetime, with at least 25% experiencing a mental condition in the previous year. primary care doctors are overwhelmingly responsible for recognition, evaluation, therapy, and referral, with at least one-third of their consultations containing a direct and obvious mental aspect Primary care physicians are the foundation of the majority of medical care programs that involve recognizing, diagnosing, treating, and referring patients to specialists for every kind of diseases, whether physical, mental, or both. Over the last two decades, there has been a greater emphasis on this position, notably in the treatment of mental problems in primary care.


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How to Cite
Najlaa Mohammad Alsudairy, Razan Khalid Almutairi, Ammar Mohammed Salawati, Ali Hassan T Alhdad, Morouj Abdulrahman Alghoraibi, Abdulrahman Mohammad A Al Suqair, Eman Essa Al Hamadah, Ayaat Adel Alsayed, Talal Mohammed Alzahrani, Mohammed Tarik Alrefai, Afnan Mohammed Ahmed Asiri, Abdulaziz Abdulmohsen Altamimi, & Abdullah Abdulmuthri Aljohani. (2023). Prevalence, Recognition, And Management Of Mental Disorders In Primary Care. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S7), 998–1003.
Author Biographies

Najlaa Mohammad Alsudairy

Assistant Consultant FM, National Guard Hospital, King Abdulaziz Medical City, SCOHS, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Razan Khalid Almutairi

King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, KSA. 

Ammar Mohammed Salawati

Hera General Hospital, KSA. 

Ali Hassan T Alhdad

Xinjiang Medical University, Ministry of health (PHC), KSA.

Morouj Abdulrahman Alghoraibi

East Jeddah hospital, Jeddah, KSA.

Abdulrahman Mohammad A Al Suqair

King Saud Hospital, Unayzah, KSA. 

Eman Essa Al Hamadah

King Faisal University, KSA.

Ayaat Adel Alsayed

Alfaisal University, KSA. 

Talal Mohammed Alzahrani

King faisal medical complex, Taif, KSA.

Mohammed Tarik Alrefai


Afnan Mohammed Ahmed Asiri

Taif university, KSA. 

Abdulaziz Abdulmohsen Altamimi

Intern, Hail University, KSA. 

Abdullah Abdulmuthri Aljohani

Intern, Hail University, KSA. 


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