The Implementation of E-HRM Practices Presents Various Challenges For Organizations

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Mr. K.K. Bajaj


The paper on e-HRM practices delves into the challenges that both organizations and employees encounter with the introduction of the e-HRM concept. These challenges are analyzed across four categories. As e-HRM is a dynamic concept that has been evolving over the past two decades, it enables organizations to adapt and evolve in the realm of HR. Furthermore, in addition to HR knowledge, individuals must also familiarize themselves with Artificial Intelligence (AI) due to its integration into e-HRM systems. 

Given that human beings are the most powerful and dynamic resource in the world, they must confront these challenges and incorporate e-HRM into their perspectives to enhance user-friendliness within the corporate environment. This entails not only learning new concepts but also unlearning outdated ones, ultimately contributing to the continuous development of HR practices within organizations.


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How to Cite
Mr. K.K. Bajaj. (2022). The Implementation of E-HRM Practices Presents Various Challenges For Organizations. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 43(1), 753–758.
Author Biography

Mr. K.K. Bajaj

RNB Global University-Bikaner


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