The Strategic Approach of a Leader During an Organizational Crisis Situation

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Mr. K.K. Bajaj


This study was conducted to explore how strategic leadership can be developed to enhance organizational capacity in effectively addressing a diverse range of potential crises. Effective leadership is essential for ensuring that employees remain focused and maintain morale during challenging times. Managers must complement their efforts with strategic leadership that acknowledges the inherent difficulties of crisis situations. Leadership roles are characterized by the need to strategically navigate ambiguity. Drawing on a global, cross-sector research base encompassing natural disasters, industrial accidents, economic downturns, political scandals, heightened social tensions, terrorist incidents, and major policy failures, the study aimed to promote active learning among leaders through various activities such as role-playing, peer feedback, and interactions with expert witnesses from both public and private sectors. It aims to provide insights into different crisis scenarios and the unique leadership challenges associated with each. The study aims to understand leaders' strategic approaches to crisis management and identify key pitfalls to avoid. It also emphasizes the importance of anticipating and effectively operating during the post-acute phase of crisis management. A fundamental principle of leadership highlighted is the need for a strong set of beliefs and a clear understanding of the organization's goals to inspire subordinates toward achieving the organization's objectives.


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How to Cite
Mr. K.K. Bajaj. (2024). The Strategic Approach of a Leader During an Organizational Crisis Situation. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 43(1), 791–794.
Author Biography

Mr. K.K. Bajaj

RNB Global University-Bikaner


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