An Evaluative Study Focusing on Workplace Conflict Resolution Strategies from a Leadership Perspective

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Mr. K.K. Bajaj


Organizational conflict, also known as workplace conflict, arises from the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values, and interests among individuals collaborating within an organization. Conflict is inevitable in organizations, stemming from differences in formal authority, power dynamics, and the varying needs and goals of individuals and groups. Sources of conflict include disputes over revenue distribution, workload allocation, working conditions, jurisdictional boundaries among individuals and departments, and tensions between unions and management.

Additionally, conflicts may manifest in subtler forms such as rivalries, jealousies, personality clashes, ambiguous role definitions, and power struggles. Individuals often face internal conflicts as they balance competing needs and demands. Within work groups, conflicts often arise from struggles for control, status, and access to limited resources. Similarly, conflicts between different groups within organizations typically stem from similar sources.

Constructive resolution of conflicts can typically be achieved through a rational problem-solving approach, accompanied by a willingness to explore issues and alternatives, as well as a commitment to active listening and mutual understanding.


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How to Cite
Mr. K.K. Bajaj. (2022). An Evaluative Study Focusing on Workplace Conflict Resolution Strategies from a Leadership Perspective. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 43(1), 740–744.
Author Biography

Mr. K.K. Bajaj

RNB Global University-Bikaner


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