About the Journal


Journal of Advanced Zoology is a journal devoted to experimental and comparative animal science. It presents a common forum for all scientists who take an explicitly organism oriented and integrative approach to the study of animal form, function, development and evolution.

The journal invites papers that take a comparative or experimental approach to behavior and neurobiology, functional morphology, evolution and development, ecological physiology, and cell biology. Due to the increasing realization that animals exist only within a partnership with symbionts, Journal of Advanced zoology encourages submissions of papers focused on the analysis of holobionts or metaorganisms as associations of the macroscopic host in synergistic interdependence with numerous microbial and eukaryotic species.
Basic Journal Information
ISSN: 0253-7214 | Frequency: Continuous | Nature: Print andOnline | Language of Publication: English | Article Processing Charges: 999 USD |

Coverage Areas: Although the list is not prescriptive, JAZ intends to focus on advances in the following:  Anatomy, Ecology, Physiology,Genomics, Developmental biology, Systematics and genetics, phylogenetics, Arachnology,Herpetology, Ichthyology, Apiology, Zoosemiotics, Vector Molecular Biology, Molecular Endocrinology, Parasitology, Paleozoology, Planktology, Primatology, Zooarchaeology, Immunobiology, Arthropodology, Cetology, Conchology,Entomology, Helminthology, Malacology, Myrmecology, Nematology, Neuroethology, Ornithology, Protozoology, Parazoology and Helminthology,

Types of Papers: The Journal accepts the following categories of papers:

  • Original Research
  • Position papers/review papers
  • Short-papers (with well-defined ideas, but lacking research results or having preliminary results)
  • Technology Discussion/Overview Papers

Periodicity: The Journal follows Continuous Publication Mode starting from 2023.

Indexing: Scopus (2022), Chemical Abstract (U.S.A.),Biological Abstract (U.S.A.), Indian Science Index (New Delhi), Google Scholar, Connect Journal, Research Gate, Biosis Document Express (U.S.A.), Biocontrol News and Information (London),Current Awareness in Biological Science (U.K.), Current Contents/ Agriculture Biology & Environmental Sciences (U.S.A.)