Protests in the 21st Century: A Dual-Edged Weapon

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Dr. Afroz Ahmad
Mr. Ashok Prem
Mr. Ashok Karnani


The act of protest doesn't necessarily signify disrespect towards the government; rather, it serves as a means of expressing people's needs and desires. Public protests are emblematic of a free and democratic society, where the voices of the people are expected to be heard by those in power, and decisions are made following thorough discussions and consultations. Protests can occur in either violent or peaceful forms, but they always emerge from demands that have gone unheard. Throughout history, protests have played a significant role in shaping events. In the modern era, people's protests can be categorized into political, economic, cultural, and social spheres. While some protests lead to positive changes and improvements in welfare, others result in unwanted tensions within society. This article will explore the nature of protests and their advantages and disadvantage


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How to Cite
Dr. Afroz Ahmad, Mr. Ashok Prem, & Mr. Ashok Karnani. (2022). Protests in the 21st Century: A Dual-Edged Weapon. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 43(S1), 606–608.
Author Biographies

Dr. Afroz Ahmad

RNB Global University-Bikaner

Mr. Ashok Prem

RNB Global University-Bikaner

Mr. Ashok Karnani

RNB Global University-Bikaner

