Cadmium Induced Metallothionein Synthesis in Liver of Oreochromis niloticus [Linnaeus, 1758]

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Y. Ramesh Babu
B. Meena
Sumit Rose


Objective(s):Metallothionein (MT) are potential biomarkers that reflect the presence of heavy metals in the ecosystem/food chain.  Their synthesis has been observed to be elevated after heavy metal exposure in aquatic organisms. OREOCHROMIS NILOTICUS (O. niloticus) is a globally important aquaculture species. Hence the objective of this study was to determine the Cadmium (Cd) levels and MT induction in liver tissue of O. niloticus, to study the relationship between tissue-specific Cd accumulation and MT induction and hence correlate MTs protective role against Cadmium

Method(s): Cd accumulation and MT induction levels were determined according to the methods of Ma et al., 2007. Cd concentration was determined using an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer Optima-5300 DV).

Findings: At specific sub lethal Cadmium exposure, w.r.t time, MT induction levels were found to be increase correspondingly to Cd levels in liver tissue. The accumulation of Cd levels in liver tissue is seen to be time and dose dependent. A positive correlation between MT induction and Cd accumulation was observed. The results suggest that MT in the liver could play a role in trapping and binding Cd and its subsequent elimination. Hence, the present investigation reveals that heavy metal induced MT levels can be considered as a biomarker for waterborne Cd contamination. A positive correlation between cadmium accumulation and MT synthesis in the liver tissue of the experimental animal is an indicator of the role of MT in heavy metal sequestration and adaptation to heavy metal contaminated ecosystems.

Novelty: The results suggest that MT in the liver could play an important role by binding to Cd and its subsequent elimination. Hence, the present investigation reveals that heavy metal induced MT levels can be considered as a biomarker for waterborne Cd contamination.



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How to Cite
Y. Ramesh Babu, B. Meena, Sumit Rose, & Asishsugirthan. (2022). Cadmium Induced Metallothionein Synthesis in Liver of Oreochromis niloticus [Linnaeus, 1758]. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 43(S1), 466–471.
Author Biographies

Y. Ramesh Babu

Department of Zoology, Presidency college, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600005, India

B. Meena

Associate Professor of Zoology, Presidency college, Chennai-600005


Sumit Rose

Associate Professor of Zoology, Presidency College, Chennai-600005



Department of Zoology, Presidency college, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600005, India


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