Effect Of Supplementation Of Β-Galacto-Oligosaccharide And Probiotic Mixture On Growth Performance Of Physiologically Stressed Rabbits
β-galacto oligosaccharidrobiotic, Stressed RabbitsAbstract
This study explored the effects of prebiotic β-Galacto-oligosaccharide (β-GOS) and probiotic supplementation as a nutritional strategy to mitigate stress-induced impacts on growth performance in rabbits. Twenty male rabbits were randomly assigned to four groups: A (negative control, no stress), B (positive control, Dexa-stressed 15 mg/kg [D-S 15], C (D-S 15 + probiotic mixture), and D (D-S 15 + 0.2% β-GOS). Initial body weight did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) among the groups. However, a significant difference (P < 0.05) in weekly body weight was observed from weeks 1 to 12. Body weight increased linearly across all groups, with the final body weight at week 12 being highest in group A (2.32±0.52 g), followed by group C (2.09±0.32 g) and group D (2.01±0.51 g), while group B had the lowest weight (1.87±0.61 g). A significant difference (P < 0.05) in average daily gain was also recorded, with group A showing the highest gain (5.7±0.43 g), while groups C and D showed lower gains (5.3±0.24 g and 5.0±0.61 g, respectively). Group B exhibited the lowest daily gain (4.2±0.17 g). Feed intake followed a similar pattern, with group A having the highest intake at week 12 (126±0.13 g), followed by groups C (124±0.13 g), D (123±0.03 g), and B (116±0.09 g). Feed efficiency was significantly different (P < 0.05), with group A showing the best feed efficiency (4.9±0.14), while group B recorded the poorest efficiency (5.0±0.17). Overall, stress significantly reduced growth performance in rabbits by decreasing body weight gain, feed intake, and feed efficiency, while probiotic and prebiotic β-GOS supplementation improved these parameters, indicating its potential to mitigate the adverse effects of stress.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Faraz Ahmed Khan, Allah Bux Kachiwal, jahanzaib khaliq, Saeed Ahmed Soomro, Habibullah, Tayyab Ahmad, Muhammad Bilal Khan, Muhammad Umar Farooq, Shua Namood; Hamza Faiz; Amna Fayyaz, Muhammad Raheel, Shoaib Akhlaq, Shahzaib Khaliq, Maria Memon

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