Megaselia Scalaris (Loew) (Diptera: Phoridae) - A New Pupal Parasitoid Of The Invasive Banana skipper Erionota Torus Evans From India Confirmed By COI Gene Barcoding
Scuttle fly, Megaselia scalaris, Pupal parasitoid, Banana leaf roller, Erionota torus, Biocontrol agentAbstract
Since its invasion of Kerala in 2014, the banana leaf roller Erionota torus Evans (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) has become a severe threat to banana farming. The present study reports Megaselia scalaris (Loew) (Diptera: Phoridae), a prominent detritivorous species, as a parasitoid attacking the pupa of Banana leaf roller Erionota torus Evans. The parasitoid was recorded for the first time in India from a field population of banana leaf roller pupa collected from Pariyaram located at 12.0753N,75.3049E, Kannur district of Kerala, during August, 2019. By using both classical and molecular methods, we were able to confirm the species. The present findings indicate that M. scalaris might be added to the list of parasitoid species known to exist for E. torus pupa, and further studies should be carried out to assess the feasibility of this phorid fly as an effective biocontrol agent.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Jaleel Ka, Suresh Mohan Ghoshb, Sapna Jacob, Anangh M K

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