Requisites and Challenges of Managing B2B Small Business from Start-Up to Scale-up

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Mr. Vikram Bajaj


Managing a B2B small business from its initial startup phase to the scale-up stage is a pivotal task for its founders. This study aims to explore the practical aspects of managing small B2B startups, delving into the requisites and challenges encountered as they transition from startup to scale-up. This critical period in a business's journey toward scaling up is influenced by various factors, including the type and nature of the business. However, common requisites and challenges persist across most small B2B startups during this progression.

The study seeks to identify and understand the requisites and challenges faced by small B2B startups as they strive to scale up their operations and realize their entrepreneurial aspirations. Through this exploration, the study aims to provide insights into the factors that contribute to or hinder the successful growth of B2B startups, shedding light on the practical considerations essential for navigating this transformative phase of business development.


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How to Cite
Mr. Vikram Bajaj. (2022). Requisites and Challenges of Managing B2B Small Business from Start-Up to Scale-up. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 43(1), 858–861.
Author Biography

Mr. Vikram Bajaj

RNB Global University-Bikaner


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