Zero-Based Budgeting Represents a Revolutionary Approach to Planning Future Activities

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Mr. Vikram Bajaj


Zero-based budgeting is a structured method of budgeting for enterprise activities as if each were initiated from scratch, or "zero base." Under this approach, multiple alternatives for each activity are identified, costed, and assessed based on their potential benefits. The fundamental principle is that every unit of expenditure must be justified. This methodology contrasts with traditional budgeting practices, as it does not rely on prior expenditure levels and instead evaluates costs anew. In contemporary times, zero-based budgeting is increasingly recognized as a groundbreaking approach to planning future activities.



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How to Cite
Mr. Vikram Bajaj. (2022). Zero-Based Budgeting Represents a Revolutionary Approach to Planning Future Activities. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 43(1), 787–790.
Author Biography

Mr. Vikram Bajaj

RNB Global University-Bikaner


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