Effectiveness Of Hybrid Gamification On Achievement In Mathematics Among Secondary School Students
Hybrid Gamification, Game Elements, Secondary School students, Mathematics Achievement, digital gamesAbstract
This paper investigates the impact of a Hybrid Gamification strategy on secondary school students’ Mathematics achievement. An experimental study was conducted on students studying in Standard IX of Holly Cross Higher Secondary School Cherpunkal in Kottayam District, Kerala. The investigator used instructional material prepared based on the Hybrid Gamification Technique using different software like Wordwall, Blookit, Gimkit, etc., and game elements like Scoring cards, Badges, and Points for the Experimental group and the Existing Activity-Oriented Method for the Control group. The results showed a significant difference between the Experimental group’s and the Control group’s scores on the Achievement test, and the Hybrid Gamification strategy is effective for teaching Mathematics and attaining significant performance in Achievement in Mathematics. There is no significant difference in the post-test scores of males and females in the Mathematics Achievement.
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