Enhancing Social Skills Among Secondary School Students: Evaluating The Impact Of The Autonomous Learner Model
Autonomous learning, Autonomous Learner Model, Activity oriented method, Social Skill, Secondary School students etc.Abstract
Autonomous Learner Model developed by Betts and Kercher (Betts et al, 2021) is a framework developed to promote and support autonomous learning in students. The present investigation aimed to study the impact of the Autonomous Learner Model on Social skills among the Secondary school students. The design selected for the study was non-equivalent pre-test- post-test experimental group design. The study was conducted on a sample of secondary school students who were following the Kerala State syllabus. Specifically, the sample consisted of 74 students from Standard Nine of Holy Cross Higher Secondary School, Cherpunkal, Kottayam, Kerala. The instruments used for the study were Instructional materials based on Autonomous Learner Model and Existing Activity Oriented Method prepared by the investigators and Social Skill Rating Scale (Sood et al,2012). Treatment was given for two months in Social Science to the Experimental group using the Autonomous Learner Model, while the Control group received instruction using the current Activity Oriented Method. The study revealed that Autonomous Learner Model enhanced social skills among secondary school students when compared to the existing Activity Oriented Method of Instruction. The findings of the study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on learner autonomy while providing practical insights for educators, curriculum developers, and policy makers to design educational interventions that foster holistic development among students.
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