The Role of Ajiniyaz In The Formation of Karakalpak Written Literary Language

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G.E. Karlybaeva


The article discusses the significant role of the 19th-century Karakalpak classical poet Ajiniyaz Kosibay Uly in shaping the literary language of the Karakalpak people. Ajiniyaz's works were published in the 19th century, and his influence on the development of the Karakalpak literary language is highlighted. The article also touches upon the historical context of the Karakalpak people's statehood and their cultural and educational development. Ajiniyaz's deep knowledge of various languages, including Persian and Arabic, is emphasized, as well as his ability to combine the traditions and experiences of poetry from different cultures. His works are described as having a deep lyricism that can evoke strong emotions. Ajiniyaz's poetry is recognized as a cornerstone of 19th-century Karakalpak literature, contributing significantly to the development of the Karakalpak literary language.


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How to Cite
Karlybaeva, G. . (2023). The Role of Ajiniyaz In The Formation of Karakalpak Written Literary Language. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S3), 1013–1016.