Impulse Buying in the Digital Age: A Dimensional Study on Influencer Marketing Impact on Millennials

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Y. Suryanarayana Murthy
D. Srinivas
Ravi Chandra BS
G Vinesh Kumar


This study explores the relationship between influencer characteristics, consumer emotions, and self-construction in the context of impulse buying among millennials in the digital age. It examines how specific traits and qualities of influencers influence millennials' emotions and shape their self-identity during the process of impulse buying. The research investigates the dimensions of influencer marketing that have the most significant impact on millennials' emotional responses and their construction of self-image. By analysing the interplay between influencer characteristics, consumer emotions, and self-construction, this study provides valuable insights into the underlying mechanisms driving impulse buying behavior among millennials in the digital era. The results provide new insight into the power of influencers to sway customer behavior and suggest ways in which businesses may more successfully employ influencer marketing to connect with and convert young buyers.


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How to Cite
Murthy, Y. S. ., D. Srinivas, BS, R. C., & Kumar, G. V. . (2023). Impulse Buying in the Digital Age: A Dimensional Study on Influencer Marketing Impact on Millennials. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S3), 920–928.