Isolation and Characterization of Bauhinia Variegata for The Prevention & Treatment of Skin Infection

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Laloo Prasad Yadav
Shubham Bhatt
Deepika Gupta
Sandeep Prakash
Aarti Maurya
Neelkanth M Pujari


Aim - Identification and characterization of Bauhinia variegata are the goals of This study to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the species and its potential applications in treating and preventing skin infections. Additionally, it contains anti-ulcer, nephroprotective, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, immunomodulating, hypolipidemic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, molluscicidal, and wound-healing properties. Materials & Methods - The bark and flowers of the ethnobotanically important plant Bauhinia variegata L. were undertaken for the present study. Botanists from the Department of Botany, Safia Science College, validated the plant material taken from Botanical, the cultivated farm, and the open field in Bhopal. Methodology - The methodology for the isolation and characterization of Bauhinia variegata includes collecting plant material, extracting suitable solvents, evaluating antimicrobial properties, determining antioxidant activity through various assays, and characterization of bioactive compounds using spectroscopic techniques. Result and Discussion - Bark and flower extracts/fractions from Bauhinia variegata showed strong antioxidant activity, blocking DPPH free radicals. Particularly REB and MEB demonstrated notable scavenging activities in the bark extract/fractions. The greatest level of DPPH radical inhibition was seen in the MEF extract from flowers. Column chromatography's isolated fractions (BV1, BV3, and BV4) also demonstrated potent radical-scavenging abilities. Additionally, different levels of superoxide anion scavenging activity were seen in the extracts/fractions, with the polar fractions exhibiting a notable reducing power. Overall, the antioxidant activity of Bauhinia variegata extracts appears encouraging.


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How to Cite
Yadav, L. P. ., Bhatt, S. ., Gupta, D. ., Prakash, S., Maurya, A. ., & Pujari, N. M. . (2023). Isolation and Characterization of Bauhinia Variegata for The Prevention & Treatment of Skin Infection. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S3), 240–255.