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Dr. M.B. Bagwan, Dr. V.V. Kanase, Mr. Mahendra M. Alate


Some authors have observed a higher prevalence of AITDs in BC patients compared to age-matched controls; thus, this association is not new. Some studies have found that the presence of TPO antibodies is associated with a significantly better outcome among BC patients and that this improvement is comparable to that seen with other prognostic indices such as axillary node status and tumor size, though the exact significance of this association is unclear.Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess TD with BC in relation to the female population. All cases that meet the inclusion criteria will be considered after receiving approval from the IEC. The demographic characteristics, clinical, medical, social, and family H/O were documented using a semi-structured, standardized, and pre-validated case record. In addition, a comprehensive and systematic evaluation was conducted on all patients diagnosed with breast cancer. This evaluation included clinical, radiological, and laboratory screenings, involving a total of 69 patients. In our study, we found that the occurrence of abnormal TFT results was more frequently linked to cases of BC in comparison to the control group. The data was analyzed using the Chi-square test, which yielded a highly statistically significant result with a p-value of 0.0006. The findings of our study demonstrate a substantial correlation between BC and TD. Further investigation is necessary to validate this correlation.


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Dr. M.B. Bagwan, Dr. V.V. Kanase, Mr. Mahendra M. Alate. (2023). PREVALENCE OF THYROID DISEASE ALONG WITH BREAST CANCER. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S2), 538–545.