Impact Of Carbon Dioxide Laser On Biochemical Parameters In Bovine Ocular Growths
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), Ocular growth, carbon dioxide laser, Biochemical parametersAbstract
Twelve bovines with ocular growths were selected and randomly divided into two groups with six animals in each group. In Group 1 saline soaked gauze piece while, in Group 2 saline soaked sterile wooden spoon was used for corneal protection during surgery. All the 12 animals were sedated with xylazine hydrochloride @0.1 mg/kg b.wt. i/m. The anaesthetic induction and maintenance with double drip solution using guaifenesin @50 mg/kg bwt and ketamine @2 mg/kg bwt i/v in 5% DNS was followed. The 9-10 W power output in continuous mode used in both groups in excising all ocular growths in bovines and left unsutured. Postoperative treatment was given for 5 days. In group 1 healing was uneventful in four animals while ocular discharge was observed in two cows. In group 2, majority of the animals (5/6) showed uneventful recovery except one cow which showed corneal opacity and discharge at 3rd day after surgery due to self mutilation. All 12 excised tumor samples were examined microscopically and diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Histopathologically all 12 cases were well to moderately differentiated sqaumous cell carcinoma with mitotic index ranged from 0.5-2.5. And Ki67 index ranged from 29-37%. All 12 animals did not show reoccurrence at least 3 month post surgery.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Anjana Patel, P.T. Sutaria, P. B. Patel, Priyanka Jatav, P. H. Chaudhary, Parikunwar L. Parmar
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