A Literature Review on Epstein Pearls and their Clinical Implications

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Dayanara Cecilia Burbano Pijal
Lady Romina Toapanta Chamorro
Brighitte Anahí Montenegro Lima


Aim: This article focuses on the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene and the benefits this has for our oral health and confidence. It highlights the need to maintain proper cleaning of the teeth and gums to prevent cavities and periodontal disease. Material and method: In addition, the importance of going to the dentist regularly is highlighted, especially for the pediatric population, since this allows identifying and preventing possible problems in the oral cavity from an early age. The presence of Epstein pearls in the oral cavity of neonates, which are small whitish growths on the gums, is mentioned. It is clarified that these pearls are a variability of normal development and should not be confused with the appearance of teeth. Statistics and Result: It is explained that Epstein pearls are formed due to the retention of epithelial tissue remnants during fetal development. The aim of the article is to provide updated information on Epstein pearls to parents and pediatricians in order to avoid misdiagnosis and to promote a better understanding of this phenomenon in newborns or neonates.


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How to Cite
Pijal, D. C. B., Chamorro, L. R. T. ., & Lima, B. A. M. (2023). A Literature Review on Epstein Pearls and their Clinical Implications . Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S1), 613–619. https://doi.org/10.53555/jaz.v44iS1.446