Evaluation of the Risk of Suicide Among People Exposed to Domestic Violence

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Karla Indira Hurtado Serrano
Israel Darío Carrillo Quisnia


One of the most significant risk factors for suicidal behaviour in women is domestic violence. This problem not only entails devastating human consequences, but also an economic impact due to the loss of population in productive ages. The methods used to carry out suicidal acts include suffocation, the use of firearms and poisoning, prevention strategies that seek to restrict access to these lethal means being essential. In the context of Ecuador, mortality from suicide in adolescents has reached up to 27%, which highlights the urgent need to address this problem with preventive actions aimed especially at this group of the population. Also, studies indicate that men have a higher risk of committing suicide compared to women, although the latter tend to make more suicide attempts. These disparities are influenced by various factors, such as social, cultural and socioeconomic aspects, which affect the manifestation of mental health. Suicide is a complex public health issue with serious repercussions both at the individual and social levels, which is why it is imperative to implement comprehensive and effective strategies for the prevention and proper management of this problem.


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How to Cite
Serrano, K. I. H. ., & Quisnia, I. D. C. . (2023). Evaluation of the Risk of Suicide Among People Exposed to Domestic Violence. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S1), 515–520. https://doi.org/10.53555/jaz.v44iS1.431