Forensic Dental Photography – A Review


  • Natasha Gambhir
  • Achla Goel
  • Nidhi Gupta
  • Rashi Singh
  • Divya Singh



forensic odontology, dental evidence, photographic documentation, human identification, forensic analysis, criminal investigations


Forensic dental photography is an integral aspect of forensic odontology, serving as a pivotal tool for the accurate documentation and analysis of dental structures in the identification of human remains. This specialized field focuses on the meticulous capture of visual records, including teeth, oral tissues, and bite marks, to support the process of establishing individual identities and aiding criminal investigations.

This abstract underscores the critical role played by forensic dental photography in producing detailed and reliable images, essential for comparing antemortem and postmortem dental records, as well as evaluating dental anomalies and pathologies. Specialized techniques, such as ultraviolet and infrared imaging, are employed to enhance the visibility of subtle features that may be overlooked using traditional methods.

The systematic approach employed in image acquisition ensures the creation of a standardized forensic dental profile, contributing to the interdisciplinary collaboration among forensic odontologists, photographers, and law enforcement agencies. The abstract emphasizes the evolving nature of forensic dental photography and its continued significance in advancing criminal investigations and providing resolution for families


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Author Biographies

Natasha Gambhir

Professor, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Santosh Deemed to be University, Santosh Dental College and Hospital, Ghaziabad

Achla Goel

PG Student, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Santosh Deemed to be University, Santosh Dental College and Hospital, Ghaziabad.

Nidhi Gupta

Professor and Head, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Santosh Deemed to be University, Santosh Dental College and Hospital, Ghaziabad-201009.

Phone numbers: +919810358916

Rashi Singh

Reader, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Santosh Deemed to be University, Santosh Dental College and Hospital, Ghaziabad.

Divya Singh

Senior Lecturer, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Santosh Deemed to be University, Santosh Dental College and Hospital, Ghaziabad.


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