On The Study Of Environmental Factors Affecting Stress Reduction For Young Users In Local Small Urban Parks: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Stress Reduction, Environmental Factors, Structural Equation Modeling, Local Small ParksAbstract
This research aims to provide a structural equation model of the environmental variables that affect young users' daily stress reduction in local small parks. This study is an applied research that employs descriptive correlational methodology. The statistical population consisted of students from Shahid Beheshti University and Shahid Rajaei University using the small local parks in Tehran's distinct 1 and 4, which are the paper's case studies. Negin Park, Golrizan Park, Golestan Yekom Park, and Sha'banloo Park are the small local parks studied in this research. These parks are in the Velenjak neighborhoods in Distinct 1 and the Shian and Lavizan neighborhoods in Distinct 4. In this research, 30 users in the pilot neighborhood completed questionnaires. The Cronbach's alpha value is 0.814, indicating that the questions have suitable reliability. The authors used AMOS software for the structural equation modeling. The results demonstrate that the model fit was acceptable and congruent with the reality of the community. Readability directly and meaningfully affects the sense of belonging. It means that higher readability of the environment leads to a greater sense of belonging. In addition, environmental variety has a direct and significant impact on one's sense of belonging. It indicates that increasing environmental variety leads to a greater sense of belonging. On the other hand, the readability of the local park has a substantial effect on the mediating role of sociability and environmental responsiveness on the experience of security. However, the non-direct connection of variety with a sense of security was not significant.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Shadi Barati, Hamidreza Azemati, Bahram Saleh Sedghpour, Shina Sad Berenji

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