Effect Of Yogic Eye Exercises Along With Pranayam On Visual Acuity On Computer Science Students Of Central India:-

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Dr. Naveen Banke
Dr. Sonali tripathi
Dr. Apoorva Tripathi


Introduction:- To alleviate eye fatigue associated with near and intermediate tasks, it is crucial to optimize the efficiency and coordination of accommodation and vergence systems. The current demand for prolonged engagement in computer- and gazette-related activities has significantly heightened the necessity for near and intermediate visual tasks. This increased workload places excessive strain on the extraocular and ciliary muscles, potentially leading to eye fatigue and related asthenopic symptoms. Across the globe, eye fatigue ranks as one of the frequently reported conditions among the non-presbyopic population experiencing asthenopic symptoms. Seeking relief from eye fatigue is imperative to enhance performance in near and intermediate tasks.

Material and Methods: This study was done on 30 computer science students of central India , M.P, divided into study and control groups equally. Study group subjects performed kapalabhati ,Pranayama and Yogic eye exercises regularly for Twelve weeks while control group participants did not participate in any kind of exercise. The assessment of visual acuity and the impact of Pranayama and eye exercises were examined using Snellen's chart..

Results: Thirty individuals participated in both the study group and the control group. The study group exhibited a visual acuity of 34.30 ± 20.28 in the right eye before intervention, which improved to 30.70 ± 21.89 after intervention. Similarly, the visual acuity in the left eye was 34.60 ± 20.08 before intervention and 30.46 ± 21.62 after intervention.

In the control group, the values for the right eye were 32.60 ± 20.37 and 32.30 ± 20.44, and for the left eye, they were 31.10 ± 19.22 and 30.90 ± 19.15. Statistical analysis using a paired t-test indicated a statistically significant improvement in visual acuity scores among the study group participants. However, the results were statistically non significant in the control group subjects.

The findings suggest that engaging in Pranayama and Yogic eye exercises contributes to enhancing vision, as reflected in improved visual acuity.

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Conclusion: The current research proposes that the combination of Pranayama and Yogic  eye exercises has the potential to serve as a non-pharmacological intervention for enhancing visual acuity.


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How to Cite
Dr. Naveen Banke, Dr. Sonali tripathi, & Dr. Apoorva Tripathi. (2024). Effect Of Yogic Eye Exercises Along With Pranayam On Visual Acuity On Computer Science Students Of Central India:-. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 45(S2), 38–42. https://doi.org/10.53555/jaz.v45iS2.3741
Author Biographies

Dr. Naveen Banke

Professor and head RKDF Medical College Bhopal(M.P.)

Dr. Sonali tripathi

Phd scholar Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan University ,Bhopal(M.P.)

Dr. Apoorva Tripathi

Phd scholar Malwanchal University ,Indore(M.P.)


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