A Perceptive of Bibliometric Analysis on University-Industry Collaboration Using PRISMA Framework

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Dhaval J. Thaker
Dr. Hiteshkumar R. Raval
Krishna Kedia


Collaboration between the university and industry can lead to successful knowledge transfer, technology transfer, and skill development. To improve the economy in the world, this collaboration advocates IPR, real-time research, and skilled students who are ready for the workforce. The bibliometric analysis methodology is employed in this study to examine, assess, and pinpoint the advantages and disadvantages of UIC. We searched for pertinent research papers for this study using the Google Scholar database and the search term "University-Industry Collaboration". Although there were many articles available, we only included one that had at least 21 citations and was published by Springer and Elsevier between 1998 and 2023. The introduction, methodology, result, and conclusion are the four sections that make up this paper. The present state of research, findings, gaps, and methodology are highlighted in this research article to help steer future investigations.


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How to Cite
Dhaval J. Thaker, Dr. Hiteshkumar R. Raval, & Krishna Kedia. (2024). A Perceptive of Bibliometric Analysis on University-Industry Collaboration Using PRISMA Framework. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 45(1), 929–938. https://doi.org/10.53555/jaz.v45i1.3500
Author Biographies

Dhaval J. Thaker

Research Scholar, Faculty of Computer Science, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, Gujarat, India

Dr. Hiteshkumar R. Raval

Associate Professor, Faculty of Computer Science, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar, Gujarat, India

Krishna Kedia

Assistant Professor, School of Business Management, AURO University, Surat, Gujarat, India


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