Study Of The Marketing Development Of Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) In Soppeng Regency
Participatory Prospective Analysis, Stakeholders, Tilapia Fish Marketing, Soppeng RegencyAbstract
This research examines the policy strategy for developing tilapia marketing in Soppeng district. Marketing development is needed to achieve equal distribution of profits from the tilapia business for marketing institutions. The PPA was carried out through a meeting of coastal area management planning experts, as part of the development of tilapia marketing. PPA aims to involve stakeholders to produce identification and definition of key variables, definition of future state variables, scenario building, and formulation of strategies and anticipated actions. The FGD results obtained 6 variables with the highest scores, namely consumer understanding, digital marketing, market demand, government support, distribution and supply chain, sustainable marketing. In this context, the participants created implementation strategies and anticipatory actions, (1) Providing education to people who will become consumers about the importance of consuming fish that is rich in nutrients; (2) digitizing tilapia fish business actors; (3) Pay attention to and record the stock and demand for Tilapia fish; (4) paying more attention to business actors (fishermen and fish farmers) as a measure for regional food security; (5) Providing opportunities and supporting the Tilapia distribution and supply chain (6) Creating a fisheries system from raw materials, then processing them carefully so that no waste is left, then creating a culinary village program containing fishing spots for consumers and restaurants with a fisheries menu . The strategic implications and anticipatory actions above are stakeholder needs that can be met through intervention in various determining variables in Tilapia Marketing Development.
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Copyright (c) 2024 A. Nadia Mughsita Sani, Hamzah, Sri Suro Adhawati

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