F.J Mock Method For Hydrological Moel In Water Reliability Study In Leuwi Padjadjaran II Reservoir
F.J Mock, Water Balance, Water Demand, Water SupplyAbstract
Padjadjaran University built the Leuwi Padjadjaran II Reservoir as a water harvesting facility and conservation area in the Cikeruh Sub-watershed area. This reservoir serves as a water reservoir before being channelled to other river branches and can be utilized as a water reserve collector. The water supply and the degree of water demand in the residential, non-domestic, agricultural, fishery, animal, and industrial sectors are impacted by land use changes and climate changes. This study aims to ascertain the state of the water balance in the Leuwi Padjadjaran II Catchment Area to know the deficit condition and calculate the reservoir serve. F.J. Mock Method was used to examine water availability based on climatology data. SNI 6728.1-2015, PUPR Minister Circular Letter (SE PUPR) Number 7 of 2018, and associated studies were used to analyze water demand. The findings revealed that total water demand was 133.506,09 m3/year with an average of 11.125,5 m3/month, and total water supply was 138.732,90 m3/year with an average of 11.561,08 m3/month. Throughout January-May and November-December, the water balance in the Leuwi Padjadjaran II Catchment Area was in surplus. Deficient water balance conditions occur from June-October, requiring water supply. Leuwi Padjadjaran II Catchment Area has a surplus of water, so it is sufficient to be utilized. Still, it is not evenly distributed, so there is a water shortage in several sectors, such as agriculture. To make the Leuwi Padjadjaran II Reservoir useful, conservation measures must be taken to manage the water demand.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sarah Fitri Soerya, Chay Asdak, Dwi Rustam Kendarto, Teuku Yan, Agung Riyadi

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