Body Condition Score (BCS) And Parity Of Bali Cows Experiencing Reproductive Disorders Kept Under Smallholder Farms In Bulukumba District, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bali cows, reproductive disorder, BCS, parityAbstract
The aim of this study was to provide an overview of body condition score (BCS) and the parity of Bali cows experiencing reproductive disorders in Bulukumba District. A total of 54 Bali cows kept under smallholder farms were used in the present study. The cows were identified using a survey method to the cows owned by the farmers, and data collection was carried out was only in Bali cows at the study location. Clinical examinations were carried out to all the cows such as general reproductive health, pregnancy examination, examination of reproductive disorders, and measurement of body condition scores (body condition score = BCS; scale 1–9). All data were analyzed using regression analysis and correlation tests with the help of SPSS 24 program. The results of this study showed that out of the 54 Bali cows examined, 42 (76.4%) had normal status and 12 (23.6%) had reproductive disorders. Parity 1 was the highest proportion in Bali cows experiencing reproductive disorders (41.7%), followed by Parity 4 (25.0%), and 16.7% in Parity 2 and 3, respectively. The highest BCS values in Bali cows experiencing reproductive disorders were BCS ≥3 (50.0%), BCS 4-6 (33.3%), and BCS 7-9 (16.7%). The correlation test conducted between parity and BCS stated that it was correlated (P <0.01) with the degree of perfect compression (0.87). It can be concluded that the lower BCS value resulted more potential to be experiencing for reproductive disorders. The parity value obtained cannot be used as a standard for determining reproductive performance but can be used to assess reproductive efficiency.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Musdalifa Mansur, Abd. Latief Toleng, Muhammad Yusuf, Jasmal A Syamsu, Hasrin, Andi Fausiah

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