The Effect Of Heavy Metal Cd On The Histology Of Male Nilem Fish (Osteochilus hasselti)

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Norman Arie Prayogo
Purnama Sukardi
Asrul Sahri Siregar
Yasumasa Bessho
Ren Fitriadi
Waheti Aulia Sarasih


Cd is a heavy metal that is found in many aquatic environments and has toxic effects on aquatic organisms. Cadmium has a negative impact on organisms reproductive systems, especially during the process of spermatogenesis. The test biota used in this study was male nilem fish (Osteochilus hasselti). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of heavy metal Cd on the level of damage to the testicular tissue of male nilem fish and to determine the ratio of the level of damage to the testicular tissue of male nilem fish in four treatments of Cd heavy metal for 4 weeks. The method used was an experimental method with a completely randomized design research design (CRD). The research was conducted in three stages, namely taking the testes, making histological preparations, and laboratory analysis using a microscope. The test biota was given four treatments of Cd 0 ppm, 2 ppm, 4 ppm, and 6 ppm with an exposure time of 28 days and sampling was carried out every two weeks. Quantitative data in the form of the proportions of the spermatogenesis stages were analyzed by One Way ANOVA. The results showed that there was no change in shape at the spermatogenesis stage and showed fluctuating results. The results showed that giving 4 Cd treatments to fish for 4 weeks did not affect spermatogenesis.


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How to Cite
Norman Arie Prayogo, Purnama Sukardi, Asrul Sahri Siregar, Yasumasa Bessho, Ren Fitriadi, & Waheti Aulia Sarasih. (2024). The Effect Of Heavy Metal Cd On The Histology Of Male Nilem Fish (Osteochilus hasselti). Journal of Advanced Zoology, 45(1), 265–277.
Author Biographies

Norman Arie Prayogo

Program Study of Aquatic Resources Management and Magister SDA Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Jl. Dr Soeparno, Banyumas 53122, Central Java, Indonesia

Purnama Sukardi

Departmen of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Jenderal Soedirman University, Karangwangkal, Purwokerto 53122, Indonesia

Asrul Sahri Siregar

Program Study of Aquatic Resources Management and Magister SDA Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Jl. Dr Soeparno, Banyumas 53122, Central Java, Indonesia

Yasumasa Bessho

Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Gene Regulation Research Laboratory, Division of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Takayama, Ikoma, Nara, Japan

Ren Fitriadi

Departmen of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Jenderal Soedirman University, Karangwangkal, Purwokerto 53122, Indonesia

Waheti Aulia Sarasih

Program Study of Aquatic Resources Management and Magister SDA Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Jl. Dr Soeparno, Banyumas 53122, Central Java, Indonesia


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