Extraintestinal Manifestations Of Ulcerative Colitis In Saudi Arabia: Systematic Review

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Talal Alhejaili
Raghad Albdair
Abdulrahman Saleem Alhweiti
Ali Mohammed Ayed Almutairi
Luluah Maan Alaqbawi
Shahad Zaid N. Alanazi
Haya Abdulrhman AlAzmi
Mohammad Mahmoud Obidan Albalawi
Khalaf Fayiz Alhowaish
Sanad Khalf M. Alshammari
Fadhel Abdullah Fadhel Alshammari
Atheer Abdullah A Alkhulaif
Yaser Yasen M Alnaser


Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), particularly ulcerative colitis (UC), exhibits varied clinical presentations and extraintestinal manifestations (EIMs) that impact the overall well-being of affected individuals. This systematic review aims to consolidate recent studies conducted in Saudi Arabia to comprehensively analyze the sociodemographic characteristics and clinical features of UC patients, with a specific focus on bone-related complications.

Objective: To systematically review Extraintestinal Manifestations of Ulcerative Colitis in Saudi Arabia

Methodology: Using the PRISMA guidelines, a comprehensive A systematic search was conducted to identify relevant studies published between 2014 and 2023 on PubMed in English that investigated UC in Saudi Arabia. resulting in the inclusion of seven studies with a collective participant count of 1580. Sociodemographic characteristics & Clinical characteristics, particularly the prevalence of bone-related complications, were examined across these studies.

Results: The sociodemographic analysis of 1580 participants from seven studies highlighted variations in extraintestinal manifestations in IBD. Due to the inflammatory nature of the UC disease, and increased glucocorticoids concentrations, bone-related complications, including osteoporosis and osteopenia, were prevalent in UC patients, with distinct patterns observed in different studies. Arthropathy emerged as one of the most common extraintestinal manifestation. Moreover, renal stones are another issue for these patients. Finally, all of these manifestations contribute to the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms that was identified among UC patients, that indicated that fifth of these cohort suffer from, psychological disease.

Conclusion: This systematic review provides a comprehensive overview of recent studies on UC in Saudi Arabia, emphasizing the prevalence of bone-related complications as predominant extra intestinal manifestations. The findings underscore the importance of addressing these complications in the management of UC patients, necessitating regular testing of the bone density in these patients and provide supplements and other necessary treatments for these patients. Moreover, it is important to consider the psychological impact of such disease on the quality of life of patients. Comprehensive multi-disciplinary medical teams need to work together to address various clinical aspects regarding Ulcerative colitis. This does not only include gastroenterologist, nephrologists and general internists, but also include psychologists/therapists to ensure all patients needs are addressed. Finally, further research is needed to have comprehensive view of UC in Saudi Populations and improve the overall quality of care.


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How to Cite
Talal Alhejaili, Raghad Albdair, Abdulrahman Saleem Alhweiti, Ali Mohammed Ayed Almutairi, Luluah Maan Alaqbawi, Shahad Zaid N. Alanazi, Haya Abdulrhman AlAzmi, Mohammad Mahmoud Obidan Albalawi, Khalaf Fayiz Alhowaish, Sanad Khalf M. Alshammari, Fadhel Abdullah Fadhel Alshammari, Atheer Abdullah A Alkhulaif, & Yaser Yasen M Alnaser. (2023). Extraintestinal Manifestations Of Ulcerative Colitis In Saudi Arabia: Systematic Review. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(4), 1188–1196. https://doi.org/10.53555/jaz.v44i4.3087
Author Biographies

Talal Alhejaili

Consultant Internal Medicine; Gastroenterology, King Salman Medical City, Madina, Saudi Arabia

Raghad Albdair

General practitioner, King Salman Medical City, Madina, Saudi Arabia

Abdulrahman Saleem Alhweiti

General Practitioner, King khalid Hospital, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia

Ali Mohammed Ayed Almutairi

General practitioner, Emergency Department, King Salman Medical City, Madina, Saudi Arabia

Luluah Maan Alaqbawi

General Practitioner, Maternity and Children hospital, Arar, Saudi Arabia

Shahad Zaid N. Alanazi

General Practitioner, Maternity and Children hospital, Arar, Saudi Arabia

Haya Abdulrhman AlAzmi

General physician, Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Mohammad Mahmoud Obidan Albalawi

General Practice, King Khalid Hospital, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia

Khalaf Fayiz Alhowaish

Dentist, Ministry of Health Hospitals, Arar, Saudi Arabia

Sanad Khalf M. Alshammari

Faculty of Medicine, Northern Bord

er University, Arar, Saudi Arabia

Fadhel Abdullah Fadhel Alshammari


Faculty of Medicine, Northern Border University, Arar, Saudi Arabia

Atheer Abdullah A Alkhulaif

Faculty of Medicine, Northern Border University, Arar, Saudi Arabia

Yaser Yasen M Alnaser

Faculty of Medicine, Northern Border University, Arar, Saudi Arabia



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