Substitution Of Fish Meal With Fermented Maggot Meal Mixture Of Microorganisms On Feed Quality And Growth Performance Of Vannamei Shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei)


  • Restu Putri Astuti
  • Zainuddin
  • Siti Aslamyah



Maggot, Feed Quality, Growth, Vannamei Shrimp


Maggots are insect larvae which can be an alternative raw material to replace fish meal, they have good nutritional content but chitin is a limiting factor in their use. Fermentation using a combination of liquid pineapple extract and mixed microorganisms is an alternative to chemical fermentation in reducing chitin content which is considered expensive and pollutes the environment. This research aims to determine the best substitution of various concentrations of fermented maggot flour for feed quality and growth performance of vannamei shrimp. The test animals used were vannamei PL 25 shrimp with an initial weight of +0.4 grams kept at a density of 20 in an aquarium measuring 60 x 50 x 50 cm containing 20 L of water with a salinity of 25 ppt and equipped with a recirculation system. The research was designed in a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments tested were as follows: P1 (substitution of fish meal with 0% fermented maggot meal), P2 (substitution of fish meal with 25% fermented maggot meal), P3 (substitution of fish meal with 50% fermented maggot meal), P4 (substitution of fermented maggot meal). fish with 75% fermented maggot meal) and P5 (substitution of fish meal with 100% fermented maggot meal). Vannamei shrimp were reared for 30 days and were given experimental feed 4 times a day at 07.00, 11.00, 16.00 and 21.00, amounting to 10% of the body weight of the test animals. The results of the research concluded that there were significant differences in feed quality, namely solids dispersion and sinking speed of the test feed, while the parameters of breaking speed and hardness level were not significantly different. The best concentration of fish meal substitution with fermented maggot meal was treatment E which was able to produce survival of 88.33+2.89% and biomass of 16.67+0.58 grams. The growth of vannamei shrimp given test feed for 30 days had an effect on survival and biomass but no effect was found on absolute growth, specific growth rate and feed conversion ratio.


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Author Biographies

Restu Putri Astuti

Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin. Jl Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.


Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin. Jl Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Siti Aslamyah

Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Hasanuddin. Jl Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.


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