A Study of Prevalence of Co-Morbidities, Self- Management and Awareness in Type II Multifactorial Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Cross Sectional Study Conducted in The Darjeeling Hills Region of West Bengal, India

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Yuvraj Gurung
Karun Chhetri


Background: The study is aimed to analyze and assess the perception, awareness, management and knowledge of the Type II Diabetes mellitus patients in the sample population. The objective is to gather pioneer data at the ground level and to analyze age of diagnosis, complication related to Type II diabetes, co-morbidities, physical and physiological parameters of the diabetic patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Darjeeling Himalayan region through interviews and structured questionnaires. Data was analyzed using spss-16 and excel-2019. Results: A total of 243 (n=243) type II diabetes patients participated, 126 (51.9%) females and 117 (48.1%) males. Rural area: (n=159) (65.40%); Urban area: (n=84) (34.6%). The age of diagnosis of type II diabetes were highest in the age group of 46-55 years (39.51%). Significantly higher percentage of people with family history of diabetes were diagnosed at an early age, 26-35 years (9.38%) and 36-45 years (28.13%. Diabetic retinopathy 64.20% and hypertension 59.30% were highest among the patients of Darjeeling. In the study 96 patients (60.49%) self-monitored by using Glycometer and 147 patients (39.51%) did not self-monitor and 34.69% of patients who did not have self-monitoring facility recorded high blood glucose level as compared to only 21.8% patients having such facilities at home. In the survey, 76.53% of the patients had high current blood glucose level, change in food habits has not benefited the patients. Almost 75% of the people with diabetes have higher BMI of obese or overweight category. Metformin was prescribed (72.82%) followed by glimepiride (51.85%). Conclusion: In our study we have found very poor self-management of people towards diabetes. People should rather focus more on exercise, weight management and self -monitoring to maintain healthy blood glucose level and avoid diabetic co-morbidities which invariably brings physically, mentally and economically burden to the patients.


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How to Cite
Yuvraj Gurung, & Karun Chhetri. (2023). A Study of Prevalence of Co-Morbidities, Self- Management and Awareness in Type II Multifactorial Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Cross Sectional Study Conducted in The Darjeeling Hills Region of West Bengal, India. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(5), 403–412. https://doi.org/10.53555/jaz.v44i5.2898
Author Biographies

Yuvraj Gurung

Assistant Professor, Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Post Graduate Department of Zoology, Darjeeling Government College, Darjeeling -734 101, West Bengal, India.

Karun Chhetri

Scholar, Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Post Graduate Department of Zoology, Darjeeling Government College, Darjeeling -734 101, West Bengal, India.


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