Economic Mechanisms of Entrepreneurship Development and Foreign Experiences for Developing Countries

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Almardonov Mukhamadi Ibragimovich
Khujamkulov Dilmurod Yusupalievich
Yusupov Mukhiddin Soatovich
Khurramov Anvar Khudayshukurovich
Ergashev Mukhammadsodik Uchkun ugli


This study examines the economic mechanisms that foster entrepreneurship development, focusing on lessons from developed countries and their relevance to developing nations. Key factors such as government policies, financial support, educational initiatives, and cultural attitudes are analyzed. The research identifies challenges in developing countries, including limited capital access and bureaucratic barriers. Based on these insights, concise recommendations are proposed to enhance entrepreneurship in developing countries, emphasizing policy reforms, financial accessibility, and educational improvements. The study underscores the need for a multifaceted approach to stimulate economic growth and development through entrepreneurship.


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Ibragimovich, A. M. ., Yusupalievich, K. D. ., Soatovich, Y. M. ., Khudayshukurovich, K. A. ., & Uchkun ugli, E. M. . (2023). Economic Mechanisms of Entrepreneurship Development and Foreign Experiences for Developing Countries. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S7), 21–26.