The Structure of Anthroponyms and Its Functioning in English and Russian Languages

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Ruxsorxon Akbarova Farxodjon qizi
Fayzimatova Nodiraxon Adxamjon qizi


Some aspects of the functioning of anthroponyms and the conditions for the realization of their cognitive potential in Russian and English-speaking linguistic cultures. Based on the conducted research using survey and interview methods, an attempt is made to demonstrate how the mobility of the anthroponymic model allows us to reflect the idea and perception of personality in different cultures and how a person regulates relationships with the environment when assistance in choosing name forms in communication. The article deals with the functioning of anthroponyms and the conditions for the realization of their cognitive potential in the Russian and English cultural contexts.


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How to Cite
Ruxsorxon Akbarova Farxodjon qizi, & Fayzimatova Nodiraxon Adxamjon qizi. (2023). The Structure of Anthroponyms and Its Functioning in English and Russian Languages. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S6), 1835–1838.