Lexico-Stylistic Functions of Argotisms in English Language

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Norova Mavluda Fayzulloyevna


This article explores the lexico-stylistic functions of argotisms in the English language. Argotisms, also known as slang or jargon, are informal and specialized vocabularies used within specific social groups or subcultures. The study investigates the ways in which argotisms contribute to the lexical richness, stylistic versatility, and sociolinguistic significance of English. Through a comprehensive analysis of argotisms, the research reveals their role in expanding vocabulary, providing nuanced meanings, and facilitating domain-specific communication. Additionally, the study explores how argotisms enhance expressiveness, contribute to authenticity and realism, and serve as markers of social identity. Furthermore, the research highlights the influence of argotisms on language variation and change, including their impact on grammar, syntax, and semantic shifts within specific social groups. By understanding the lexico-stylistic functions of argotisms, we gain insights into the dynamic nature of language and its relationship with social dynamics and cultural expressions..


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Norova Mavluda Fayzulloyevna. (2023). Lexico-Stylistic Functions of Argotisms in English Language. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S6), 1707–1711. https://doi.org/10.17762/jaz.v44iS6.2594