The Ichthyofaunal diversity in the freshwater tidal stretch along the Kalingapatnam estuary, Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Ichthyofaunal diversity at Kalingapatnam estuary
The present study elucidates the ichthyofaunal diversity of Kalingapatnam estuary in the North- east coast of Andhra Pradesh, India. A detailed analysis of piscine diversity revealed a total of 97 species of fresh water, estuary and marine fish belonging to 26 orders, 53 families, and 85 genera, collected three landing locations for the first time. In the present investigation, recorded genera out of 85, the homogeneous percentage was observed of Perciformes and Siluriformes had the highest with 11.76%, followed by Acanthuriformes, Cypriniformes 9.41%, Clupeiformes 8.23%, Carangiformes 4.70%, Beloniformes, Canthuriformes, Cichliformes, Spariformes, Tetraodontiformes 3.52%, Carcharhiniformes, Anabantiformes, Centrarchiformes, Gobiiformes, Mugiliformes, Mulliformes, Scombriformes, Synbranchiformes each with 2.35%. Anguilliformes, Cyprinodontiformes, Elopiformes, Gonorynchiformes, Istiophoriformes, Kurtiformes and Osteoglossiformes each with 1.17%. The habitation of fishes were primarily benthic/ demersal, with contributing to 40.20%, followed by benthopelagic 28.86%, pelagic and reef-associated fish 15.46% in this estuary. The omnivores have a highest percentage of 50.98%, followed by the carnivorous 25.49%, and the herbivorous18.36%. According to IUCN (2023) status the ichthyofaunal diversity were recorded in the current investigation.
Copyright (c) 2023 Rama Rao Karri, V. Harathi

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