Educational and Immersive Game Development

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K S Adarsh
Gururaj Suresh Baby
Harish Kumar
Hruthik C K
Venkatesh Prasad


Educational Systems have remained the same for decades while the technology and its effect on our daily lives has undergone tremendous progress. Technology has been incorporated in various other fields with great success while education has been conservative and slow to adapt, this has been problematic in a number of ways, since entertainment, news, social media have evolved to better suit the human psyche. This creates a gap between these aforementioned systems and education where education is way behind in terms of engagement and immersion compared to entertainment and such. We propose one way to tackle this divide is to use “Educational Games” which use technology to make education engaging and entertaining


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How to Cite
K S Adarsh, Gururaj Suresh Baby, Harish Kumar, Hruthik C K, & Venkatesh Prasad. (2023). Educational and Immersive Game Development. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S6), 918–922.