Food Taste Analysis Based on Facial Expression Detection

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Kamachi Gayathri
K Yogesh
Karthik p
Manoj Maharrshi R M
Kiran Kumar


Taste tasting is a critical metrics for a variety of purposes, including predicting long-term market acceptance of a variety of food and beverage products. The main purpose is to use speech, power such as speed and speed of speech to express the secret patterns of tasteful responses. To that end, we’ve compiled a huge database of tasting food. The database contains a collection of video samples of flavoured discourses collected from various topics. This extensive test on websites including OpenCV image processing, deep learning algorithm-CNN editing and GUI Tkinter, this helps to separate between different levels of taste preferences. This project aims to independently estimate your preferred taste using idiomatic illustrations, based on visual, informal, and varied sources.


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How to Cite
Kamachi Gayathri, K Yogesh, Karthik p, Manoj Maharrshi R M, & Kiran Kumar. (2023). Food Taste Analysis Based on Facial Expression Detection. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S6), 851–856.