Rhythm and Conductivity Disorders in Patients with Hypertension

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Matluba Najmidinovna Badritdinova
Xodjiyev Botir Bakhtiorovich
Baxramova Azima Abbosovna
Negmatullayeva Mukhabbat Akbarovna


Purpose of the study: to study the prevalence and structure of arrhythmias and conduction disorders and various types of heart remodeling in patients with hypertension among men and women. Material and methods: The study was conducted in the Bukhara branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Cardiology involving 75 men and 43 women with HD; The mean age of men with hypertension and rhythm and conduction disorders was 62.86±1.91 years, and women - 68.29±2.34 years (p<0.05). An anamnesis, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), Holter monitoring of the electrocardiogram (HM-ECG) were taken. Results. Among patients with GB, rhythm and conduction disturbances were detected in 64% of men and 46.51% of women. Men with hypertension and rhythm and conduction disorders are younger than women (58.86±1.91 years and 68.29±2.34 years, respectively).  Among rhythm disturbances, SVT (34.69% of men and 56.52% of women), PVC (28.57% of men and 26.09% of women) and AF (14.28% of men and 21.73% of women) were more common. The most common finding on ultrasound of the heart was dilatation of the left atrium (53.33% of men and 37.20% of women) and both atria (6.67% of men and 2.32% of women); LVH - in 56% of men and 44.18% of women; pulmonary hypertension - in 18.67% of men and 25.58% of women. It is necessary to dynamically monitor patients with hypertension with regular examinations to identify signs of disorders in the state of the cardiovascular system, in particular rhythm and conduction disturbances.


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How to Cite
Matluba Najmidinovna Badritdinova, Xodjiyev Botir Bakhtiorovich, Baxramova Azima Abbosovna, & Negmatullayeva Mukhabbat Akbarovna. (2023). Rhythm and Conductivity Disorders in Patients with Hypertension. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S6), 471–475. https://doi.org/10.17762/jaz.v44iS6.2212