Comparative Analysis of Morphological Changes Occurring in The Thymus in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

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Akhmedova Shakhlo Malikovna
Badridinova Barno Kamolidinovna
Shodieva Nilufar O’tkirjonovna
Zhorakulova Zebiniso Axtamovna
Khudoyorova Dilnoza Rizayevna


In the experiments, 34 white thoroughbred rats aged 1,3,6 months were used. These are white non-breeding rats of both sexes weighing on average about 250-300 g. The rats were fixed on a self-propelled vehicle with manual control, and in the moving vehicle, the experimental rats approached the wooden barrier and hit them on the forehead, which led to brain injury. The speed of the car was 6.7 km per hour. In the course of experiments on a traffic accident, 30 rats survived and 4 rats died. In general, i.e. macroscopic view of the thymus of 1,3,6-month-old white rats, changes are observed depending on the month, varying degrees of morphological changes in the state of fatty metamorphosis in the thymus cortex, consisting of lymphoid cells (thymocytes), blood vessels, Hassali cells and epithelial cells.


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Akhmedova Shakhlo Malikovna, Badridinova Barno Kamolidinovna, Shodieva Nilufar O’tkirjonovna, Zhorakulova Zebiniso Axtamovna, & Khudoyorova Dilnoza Rizayevna. (2023). Comparative Analysis of Morphological Changes Occurring in The Thymus in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S6), 333–336.