Criteria and Principles for Determining the Genre Boundaries Among Subgenres of Folklore Prose

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G. S. Kalbaeva


In the article, is scientifically analysed the principles and criteria to determine the genre boundary between the sub-genres of folklore prose such as myth, legend, story, fairy tale. In this, special attention is paid to defining the genre boundary of the legend genre of Karakalpak folk prose. In determining the boundaries between the genres of folklore prose, the relation of the events narrated in the work to the truth, the methods of description used in the description of the truth (the role of magic), the functional tasks performed in life, the features of the application of the actions of the spatial space and time categories, the artistic-structural construction, also, the genre characteristics of Karakalpak legends are revealed based on principles and criteria such as the method of performance (manner). The article, in our opinion, is of great scientific importance, both in theoretical and practical directions.


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How to Cite
G. S. Kalbaeva. (2023). Criteria and Principles for Determining the Genre Boundaries Among Subgenres of Folklore Prose. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S6), 33–37.