Value of Animal Symbols in Ashwin Sanghi’s The Krishna Key

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P. Dhana Gowre , Dr. D. Sujatha


Mythology is broad filed which is immortal. Within the realm of Hindu Dharma Mythology, the great Avatar alludes in ten different ways to the everlasting manifestation of God Vishnu. The researcher purges animal avatars with various faces, such as Kurma, Matsya, Varaha, and Narsimha. Narsimha also assumes human shape to safeguard the world from evil and rescues devout devotees. Animal avatars' metamorphosis demonstrates the value and significance of animals on Earth as well as how they have contributed to society's prosperity in the past, present, and future. While wild animals are not valued as much in society, in mythology animals always come first to destroy evil things with the aid of God and Goddess in war and other situations as well. Goddess Durga, for instance, is represented by a lion, which is a symbol of willpower and victory. Animal vehicles are symbolic of the god they carry in Hindu iconography, which deals with positive things. The bull-incarnation of Lord Shivan, Nandhi Bhagavan, is a symbol of virility and strength. Dinka, Lord Ganapathy's mouse car, is a symbol of quickness and intelligence. Karthikeya's peacock carriage, Parvani, stands for grandeur and majesty. Saraswathi's Hamsa chariot is a symbol of grace, beauty, and wisdom.


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How to Cite
P. Dhana Gowre , Dr. D. Sujatha. (2023). Value of Animal Symbols in Ashwin Sanghi’s The Krishna Key. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S2), 4040–4042.