Development and Effectiveness of the Stunting Prevention Counseling Training Module on the Knowledge and Attitudes of Health Cadres in the Kinovaro Health Center Work Area
Module development, counseling, stunting prevention, health cadresAbstract
Background: Stunting is a nutritional growth and development disorder in toddlers which is still a national and global problem. Indonesia ranks 5th in the incidence of stunting in the world. Results of Regional Health Research The prevalence of stunting among children under five in Indonesia has decreased from 37.2% in 2013 to 33.6% in 2016 to 30.8% in 2018. (2,3) Meanwhile, based on SSGBI results in 2019, stunting has decreased to 27.67%. Purpose: This research aims to develop a stunting prevention counseling training module for health cadres. This research is a type of development research (Research and Development) referring to the ADDIE development model including (1) Analysis (Analysis), (2) Design (Design), (3) Development (Development), (4) Implementation (Implementation), (5) Evaluation. The subjects of this research included 3 material experts, 2 media experts, and 30 health cadres in the Kinivaro Health Center work area. Methods: The object of this research is the Stunting Prevention Module Anthology Counseling for Health Cadres. The instruments used to assess the feasibility of the module include a feasibility assessment sheet by a material expert, a feasibility assessment sheet by a media expert, and a health response questionnaire regarding the use of the module. Results: The results of the research show that the Stunting Prevention Module Anthology Counseling for Health Cadres which was developed is suitable for use as a medium in providing stunting prevention counseling for Health cadres to pregnant and breastfeeding mothers based on the overall average aspect score obtained by material experts of 9.35 in the category feasible, the overall average aspect score by media experts was 6.50 in the very feasible category, and the overall average aspect score by health responses to the module was 97.42 in the very feasible category. Results: This research module development stage so it is recommended that this research can be continued on different subjects/samples in order to obtain information related to the effectiveness of the module developed in increasing the knowledge and attitudes of Health cadres in preventing stunting.
Copyright (c) 2023 Rina Tampake, Selvi Alfrida Mangundap, Alfrida Semuel Ra'bung

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